Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 5 Munich, Germnay '72 Olympic Park

On Thursday January 10, 2007 we visited Olympic Park in Munich, Germany. This was the biggest disappointment of our trip. After we got off of the train, we wanted to see the hotel where the Israeli athletes were killed. However as we went through the area we noticed that the hotels were turned into student dorms or condos. It was like walking through the ghetto. Plants were overgrown on the balcony and all the buildings looked run down. The actual park was the biggest disappointment.

The first picture is Greg and I in front of the Olympic Park entrance. Behind us is the large canopy covers of the park. They are still in decent shape.

Next we went to see the stadium. Once we reached the gates the stadium looked very impressive, it was a large stadium with lime green seats. There was an entrance fee to see the stadium of 2 euros. This was the biggest rip off!!! The field was in bad shape. Most of the grass was covered with snow. The second picture is Eric & Greg gazing over the pathetic stadium.

Since it was such a disappointment, we decided to have some fun. The next picture is Eric & I pretending to stand in line at the empty stadium.

The last picture is me riding one of the many lions in Munich.


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