Monday, January 08, 2007

Next stop Dortmund, Germany

It is Tuesday morning and we just finished eating breakfast. It was included with our hostel stay. Just the basics toast & cereal. But it's free and we don't have to search for breakfast.

We are getting on a train this morning to Germany. We leave at 10:34 am to Duisburg, Germany then we change trains. The next train leaves at 12:39 to Dortmund, Germany arriving at 1:15. Eric's friend live in the city and he is letting us stay with him for 2 nights. It will be nice to have a local show us around.

Weather in Germany. Raining temps in the 40s.


At Tuesday, January 09, 2007 12:16:00 PM , Blogger rechawaii said...

Looks like you guys are having fun...great pix. Dad/Mom


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